Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy fuckin New Year everybody. I don't know why we thought going down to the Strip for New years would be a great idea. It started out ok by paying 20 bucks to park at Lawry's and then walk to the strip. It was kind of crowded but it was manageable. The real problem started when it got close to midnite and the massive amounts of people began pushing each other and 2 fights broke out right next to where we were standing. I seriously almost felt like I was going to die either from being stampeded upon or suffocation. Finally there was a break in the crowd and we were able to find our friends that we had lost. The supposed "fireworks show" was not as impressive as they made it out to be and you could only really see it if you were in the middle of the street and NOT standing on the sidewalk like we were. Then it took us an hour to walk back to our car where some bitch started yelling at me in the middle of the crosswalk to not stop in the middle of the crosswalk. I proceeded to yell back that it was a free country and that I could do whatever the fuck I wanted to do. At this point she threw down her massive mardi gras beads that she had around her neck and charged at me. I'm not stupid... I ran. This bitch was triple my size and there were police everywhere to protect me so why should I get my ass beat for a stupid reason? We made it home safely where I proceeded to mope that noone called me to wish me happy new years. merry 2007 everybody.


PooDonkeys said...

Happy New Year, Angel! Great story about almost being trampled by some huge Bitch!