Saturday, December 16, 2006

OK I am a huge fan of Warner Drive officially! They were in town again playing at the Cooler Lounge. It was a nice end to a pretty crappy day of not being able to do anything right in the kitchen today. I doubted myself a couple of times during the day if I was qualified for the job and decided that I might be in a little over my head but I'll get it pretty soon. Hopefully sooner than later actually. Beers, some good rock to listen to, and blogging. A pretty good end to a crappy day. On a side note, myspace has once again thrown a monkey wrench into my life. Trying to argue with someone on why you supposedly deleted their friendship when you really didn't and honestly have no idea what happened is recockulous (sp?) and stupid. I thought myspace was a place for friends...not a place where friendships are destroyed! ugh...why most we have a love/hate relationship myspace, why?