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Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009
I've started this new diet based on your blood type from the book "Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight" by Peter J. D'Adamo. I started it mainly to be healthier and see if it would improve my energy. Here is the Amazon.com Review: "If you've ever wondered why the latest fad diet doesn't work for you... well, there are lots of reasons, mostly the fact that it's a fad diet. But it could also be that you're the wrong blood type for the kinds of foods the diet recommends. Peter D'Adamo makes a persuasive argument that your blood type is an evolutionary marker that tells you which foods you'll process best, and which will be useless calories. He covers the entire range for each of the four blood types, from entrées to condiments and seasonings, and also makes type-specific exercise and lifestyle recommendations." My blood type is B+ and there were definitely some interesting suggestions for me. Foods that I should avoid are: Bacon, Ham, and oddly enough CHICKEN. Although chicken is lean and generally good for most people, it creates potential problems for those that have type B blood. Foods that are beneficial are: lean meat, venison, and lamb. It also advises that I should avoid tomato in all its glorious forms at all cost. Corn, wheat and lentils are weight gainers for type B because they inhibit the metabolic process. Shellfish is a no no because it blocks the production of insulin which leads to hypoglycemia and being lethargic. Dairy is really good for type B to eat but if you start to feel bloated, eating pineapple puts acid in your stomach to help with the bloating. There is more technical wording in the book but this is just the basic summary as I understand it. I am on day #2 of the diet and I'm feeling pretty good (AND I also made it to the gym yesterday too which helped a lot I think). The hardest part of this diet will be to avoid avocado! My dad has an avocado tree in his backyard which has spoiled me with delicious tasty goodness all my life. But I can make the sacrifice if it will make me feel and look better. I'll keep you posted!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
My grandpa is kind of a big deal!
Jerry Huben's 68-year career in aviation comes in for a landing - Los Angeles Times
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Jerry Huben's 68-year career in aviation comes in for a landing - Los Angeles Times
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Thursday, May 21, 2009
I've been watching American Idol all season....and apparently ordering Dominos Pizza a lot too. They have this program called "House Party" which has different themes and you submit an application to be a host. If chosen, they hook you up with a prize pack of party favors for your event. I was chosen to host an American Idol party. Unfortunately, not too many people showed up (this town has such a crazy schedule) except for Stefanie and her baby Taylor. So now I have all this extra swag leftover: mainly Ford products since they are the ones that sponsor AI. I've got pens, pads of paper, drawstring backpacks, etc. Anybody want one?! On another note, I really wis
Friday, May 15, 2009
For all the foodies out there: my newest favorite sandwich shop is "Munch A Sub" located in the corner of Cameron and Hacienda in a little shopping complex. It is a little pricey but the portions are extremely generous so you definitely get your money's worth. It is a mom and pop joint and they are all very friendly. When you leave you feel pretty good that you are supporting a local business and not just a chain giant. Their address is: 5320 Cameron St # 1 Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 221-1643 They have over 50 selections to choose from on their menu which often makes a quick lunch a difficult decision. I suggest the meatball sub, turkey sandwich, and tuna (just a few that I have tried so far!) There are some bad reviews out there on the internet but that was before they changed owners. Give this place a shot if you are on that side of town over by The Orleans Casino and let me know what you think!
Monday, May 11, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009
I left an hour early for the TV Land Awards due to being located near the beach and having to drive inland to Universal Studios. I made it there in 20 minutes...go figure. Didn't hit one lick of traffic on a Sunday morning. After speaking to several uninformed employees that didn't seem to know that there was a gift lounge as well as actually calling the gift lounge coordinator who didn't seem to know how to get where they were, I arrived and unloaded my car. Out of all the days to hold the award show, today was by far the hottest. We were located in a tent on black asphalt that did not allow for any ventilation and probably reached temperatures of 100 degrees. Anyway, it was somewhat of a disappointment because the major stars we were looking forward to gifting (NPH, Tom Selleck, Charlie
Sheen) didn't come in at all. However, I did score this sweet picture with Al Bundy!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Yesterday I drove from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. I hit traffic for 2 hours which bummed me out because I was making such good time. Apparently there was a truck that had rolled over and was on fire. However, there was a ton of slowing and I NEVER saw a truck and then the traffic magically started flowing again. Welcome to California. I stopped by my Dad's house and had a good chat with him. Then I went to my mom's house where I proceeded to make some carrot cake cupcakes and white cake cupcakes for my friend Nicole and her fiance Dan for their wedding. After chatting with my mom for awhile, I went to bed and had the most solid sleep I've had in a long time. For some reason, sleeping in the bed I grew up in is always so comforting. This morning I got up and went and grabbed coffee with my mom at a new cafe/pizza joint in our quiet neighborhood. They bake the majority of their pastries in house and I selected a strawberry delight that unfortunately was not as good as it looked. Sigh. Just more proof that I need to get my but back to Westchester and open up my own bakery. Side note: El Segundo bakery (the only other local potential competition for my future bakery) has closed and is for sale. Where is my monopoly money tree when I need it?! My mom and I went to the Apple store where she so graciously purchased a MacBook for me. I haven't blogged in awhile due to my Dell PC deciding to die and take the AC adaptor along with it (good think I had backed up the majority of important stuff to an external hard drive already!) I then went with my friend Jen to a Thai/Swedish massage that she had scheduled for us (a belated Christmas present because Spa Week was this week where locations across the U.S. were offering spa deals for $50...what a steal!) That was the quickest hour and half but it was so relaxing. I had never had a Thai massage before but I recommend it if you need a chiropractic adjustment as well as the soothing effects of a massage! I then met my mom and dad for a manicure and pedicure (yes, I've got my Dad hooked on pampering himself now! He deserves it!) I then went back home and made the frosting for the cupcakes and Nicole and Dan came over to taste test them...they were exactly what they wanted! Then I went with my mom to pick up dinner from a local Italian restaurant, Alejos, and had dinner over at my Grandma and Grandpa's house. Then it was off to Tower of Pizza to hang out with my brother for a little bit. Of course I had to connect my new laptop to the internet at home and blog before I could go to bed! Tomorrow's adventure: TV Land Awards at the Gibson Ampitheater at Universal Studios. Big Feet Pjs is going to be featured in the gift lounge. I can't wait to blog about all the celebrities that I will have met and hopefully have some pictures to post :)
Friday, April 10, 2009

1. Glazed Donut: Vanilla Cake drenched in donut glaze
2. Cookies and Cream: Chocolate cake topped with crushed Oreo cookies in vanilla buttercream
3. Peanut Butter Cup: Chocolate cake topped with peanut butter buttercream and dark chocolate shavings
4. Milk & Cookies: Chocolate chop cake topped with vanilla buttercream and a scratch-made chocolate chip cookie
There were many other flavors that I wanted to try but my dilema was that I had hit the dozen cupcake mark. I guess I will have to make another pilgrimage soon. If you want to check out their website it's www. RetroBakeryLV.com
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Lately I've been thinking about doing a detox. I've been feeling tired all the time (no, I'm not pregnant!) and just not motivated to do much. Partially I think because I've been a little depressed with not having a second job for the first time in the 2 1/2 years that I've been out here pretty much. I interviewed at the YMCA on Monday and it seemed to go really well. They said that they would notify us by the end of the week either way so that they don't waste anybody's time. Well Friday at 4:15 rolled around and I called and left a polite voicemail asking if they needed any additional information and if they might have made any decisions. I shockingly received a call back and they said that they would be calling my references. They must be waiting until Monday to call because they certainly have not called any of them. This is very frustrating. I just need to not stress about it and just know that everything happens for a reason and to be patient. This is perhaps one of the reasons that I went to church this morning (besides it being Palm Sunday and typically being only a holiday Catholic!). I felt that I needed some sort of calming and guiding force to be with me today and give it all up to Him and have my burdens lifted. I know this is sort of a rambling rant of a blog right now but I guess that's what happens when you don't blog daily and you let it all bottle up. P.S. if I was still in my college psychology class I would totally write a paper on how blogging is the new therapist. On a random side note, I would ask for prayers and thoughts for my best friend's nephew that has Horner's Syndrom which is a lesion in the eye and can be caused by a tumor or genetics or can be spontaneous. His older brother had the same syndrome and it was a tumor and has caused him to have one of his eyes removed and over 30 surgeries and he is only 15 years old. Thomas is not even 2 and we hope and pray that the doctors can fix it before it gets worse. Thank you all and God bless.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
14. A picture of you with your oldest friend
Melinda and I have been best friends since Kindergarden. This picture was taken one night in San Diego when I went to visit her in college.
15. A picture you had no idea was being taken

For my birthday one year all I wanted to do was wear fake mustaches, go to a Dodger game, and sit in the all-you-can eat section and attempt to eat a Dodger dog and a beer an inning.
16. A picture of yourself that you like

I had short hair and it was red and it was sassy!
17. A picture of yourself that you hate

My hair was too dark, the bangs were hideous, and I was extremely pale.
18. A picture of you with someone you love
19. A picture of how you'd like the world to see you

Hopefully the owner of my own bakery some day :)
20. A picture that describes how you

Being at Dodger stadium and singing along to "I Love LA"

21. A picture of a time when everything was changing.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Oh 2009. Of course we had to start out with drama. My Grossmutter passed away on Friday morning at the ripe age of 92. This was my dad's mom (Grossmutter is German for grandma). She had fallen and broken her hip in November and we all knew that there was no recovering fully this time around. Right after the New Year she started sleeping more and more which was good because then she wasn't in pain and wasn't complaining. We knew the end was near and my dad was prepared to have everything ready (he has some experience since my grandpa passed away 2 years ago and my uncle followed 3 months after that). I randomly was driving to LA for this past weekend and my parents waited to tell me until I got home so I wouldn't worry driving. There were tears of sadness but mostly of peace of mind knowing that this is what she wanted and that she was finally at rest. I will be flying back home tomorrow for the wake and then the funeral on Saturday. God willing, there won't be any rain on Saturday. Please keep my Grossmutter and family in your thoughts and prayers and I hope all is well with you my reader.
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