Meeting/Date #2: EJ. He has a pup that is half lab half pit. We decided to meet at the dogpark. First plus: he was willing to drive to MY side of town to go to MY dogpark. Second plus: we meet and he compliments me on my braces to which I immediately blush and get nervous wondering if this is a deal-breaker....until he revealed that he had braces too :) We stayed at the park for almost 2 hours and had good conversation. After leaving the dogpark I got a text from him: thanks for a great time, had fun. Any time that I go out with someone I usually send them a text saying the same thing. Good to know that we have the same good manors. There will be a dinner date to follow...minus the pups. All in all, a very pleasant experience and I'm excited to see where it goes from here :)
2 things.. good news on the date.. and YEAH THE PAGE LOOKS ALL LINED UP! I guess it worked.. or did you figure something out on your own? In any event.. we are headed in a positive direction. Nice work!
..and by WE, I mean you.. and by You I mean.. everyone. :)
Jiggins sent me over your way, so Hi! :) Nice place you've got here.
That picture is absolutely adorable.
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