Wednesday, December 24, 2008

December has been a pretty hectic month for me working both jobs. My pajama boss has told me all month long (and all year long) how much she appreciates me and all of my hard work. I've always been a hard worker. That's how my Dad raised me. She kept telling me that I was going to get a great Christmas bonus this year. Last year I got a check for $700 which I thought was pretty amazing. Yesterday we got our Christmas cards and I opened mine up in the car...and started to cry. She had written that $5,000 would be added to my next paycheck! This is more than I could ever ask for or even imagine ever receiving. I feel absolutely blessed to have such an amazing boss and job but yet I am torn. My boyfriend wants to go to film school in LA which gives me an excuse to finally move back to LA and get things rolling. How do I break this information to my boss? Maybe I can keep working for her and take care of business from a remote location that doesn't have to be on site in Vegas? I don't want her to feel abandoned or that I am ungrateful. Any suggestions?


jiggins said...

Coleen.. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! How awesome is that! Man, you know you have my support no matter what. I can't think of how you are going to go about this.. but keep your ears open to possibilities and ask out loud. You will get through this one. It is not such a bad situation to be in. I have been thinking alot about that film school since you and the bf told me about it. I may be joining you someday. In the meantime.. Have a happy New year and be safe. I'll be seeing you soon.

That Guy said...

YES! that is quite a bonus! congrats!

jiggins said...

Check this out! re·[frac]·tion Chocolate!

Also - come on over and check out my new blog endeavor -
humanus augmentis It is a new blog for tech-gadget fans and the like... and as always.. see you back over at
con·tin·u·um. You Can follow here. See You On The Next Post!!