Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I'm alive! It has been 3 weeks since my surgery and I am feeling fantastic. I kept ice on religiously and never bruised. Last week I had my first day where I could swallow mashed potatoes and it was sooooooooo satisfying! Halloween came and passed. I went to my brother's house for a party and let him choose my costume: Flava Flav! Pretty amusing. In the picture, my cheeks are still a little swollen but is almost completely gone. I also went to my friend's 25th birthday party complete with moon bounce and cheesy kid party games with an adult twist: blind folded marshmallow eating contest anybody?! I got to be the feeder since I can't chew anything. My next checkup is on Tuesday where they will also adjust my braces. Everything is spot on and the doctors can't believe how well I am recovering. Recovery is all a state of mind. Your body recovers naturally but if you have the right mentallity and determination to not let it get you down, it actually isn't that bad. I'm over the hump and ready for this rollercoaster to come to an end and see what the cheesy picture is at the end of the ride that I can pay $20 to purchase! (not that these pictures aren't perfectly cheesy and priceless!)


Charli Henley said...

Hi! I am glad you are recovering so well.

I am sick a lot. I'm sick right now, in fact! And you've given me something to think about with the "recovery is a state of mind" comment...

I want to agree. Positive thinking and all that.

But damn it's hard.

Anyway, feel well!

jiggins said...

LADY! Where have you been? I haven't seen you in what feels like months! Glad you are better.. we still have quite and extravagant night planned for us at some point! Let me know if that is what you still want to do.. i know that there is an E and a J to consider :)

jiggins said...

I just looked at you in that FFlava Flav Halloween getup.. it's ridiculous. Funny stuff.