I've started this new diet based on your blood type from the book "Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight" by Peter J. D'Adamo. I started it mainly to be healthier and see if it would improve my energy. Here is the Amazon.com Review: "If you've ever wondered why the latest fad diet doesn't work for you... well, there are lots of reasons, mostly the fact that it's a fad diet. But it could also be that you're the wrong blood type for the kinds of foods the diet recommends. Peter D'Adamo makes a persuasive argument that your blood type is an evolutionary marker that tells you which foods you'll process best, and which will be useless calories. He covers the entire range for each of the four blood types, from entrées to condiments and seasonings, and also makes type-specific exercise and lifestyle recommendations." My blood type is B+ and there were definitely some interesting suggestions for me. Foods that I should avoid are: Bacon, Ham, and oddly enough CHICKEN. Although chicken is lean and generally good for most people, it creates potential problems for those that have type B blood. Foods that are beneficial are: lean meat, venison, and lamb. It also advises that I should avoid tomato in all its glorious forms at all cost. Corn, wheat and lentils are weight gainers for type B because they inhibit the metabolic process. Shellfish is a no no because it blocks the production of insulin which leads to hypoglycemia and being lethargic. Dairy is really good for type B to eat but if you start to feel bloated, eating pineapple puts acid in your stomach to help with the bloating. There is more technical wording in the book but this is just the basic summary as I understand it. I am on day #2 of the diet and I'm feeling pretty good (AND I also made it to the gym yesterday too which helped a lot I think). The hardest part of this diet will be to avoid avocado! My dad has an avocado tree in his backyard which has spoiled me with delicious tasty goodness all my life. But I can make the sacrifice if it will make me feel and look better. I'll keep you posted!